Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Speckled Frogs and Happy Birthday

Good afternoon!!
 How have you all been?? We have been fabulous!! We got some much needed rain on Labor Day.  We of course stayed inside all day!! Later that night , we lost power. No biggie, we had candles in Sophie Clare's room and continued playing as usual!  Although she was a little confused of why we could not turn the lights on. My mom and dad came up for a bit and that help pass the time. Sophie Clare also watched a little Pooh Bear on her little "car" tv. After she went to bed, Jamie and I played a couple of hands of Uno. We got power back in the middle of the night sometime and then internet this morning.

Now to catch you up on story time.
Last Thursday, Angie and Gracie joined the rest of us. We were excited to see them considering it had been almost 2 weeks.
We learned a new song....5 Little Speckled Frogs.
We loved it and have been singing it a lot!!
They are doing things a little bit different at ST. They are doing some learning activities with numbers the month of Sept and next month are colors!!

Gracie getting into the music time!!

What does a frog say??

These little boys were sweet and let Sophie Clare join them on the computer!

Then it was off to........
You guessed it, Chick-f-lay!!
Gracie turned 3 on the 28 of August!! We missed her birthday because we were at the beach!! So we had to bring her gift with us!!

Gracie is such a sweet girl and full of personality!!
To see her birthday, click here!!

Well thats it for last Thursday!!

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