Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Check Up Time

Monday, 2 weeks ago was Sophie Clare's 3 year check up!  She loves to play dr at home, so we talked all about it. She kept saying mommy dr.
 No, not mommy, you!! haha
Anyways, we get there and she is fine in the waiting room.   We walk back to the room, we weigh and the nurse starts to see how tall she is..........ummm Sophie Clare is not going to have that.  We go back to the room and try to do Sophie Clare's hearing test. Since she was 5 weeks early, the state requires another one. We only got the right side checked because she would not be still. haha As the nurse leaves the room, she says take her clothes off.  Sophie Clare starts crying,  No Clothes Off!! From then on she cries. 

They ask you all kids of questions...................
Can she kick a ball, peddle, eat by herself, potty trained, talk, turn pages in a book..................
Yes, yes and  yes haha

She weighed 27.5 pounds and about 35 inches tall!
She is healthy and growing!!

After we left there, we headed to Sonic for a Grape Cream Slush to make all things better.
Thank goodness we do not have to go back till next year and praying we stay healthy!!

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