Monday, October 10, 2011

Still Celebrating!

The weekend has come and gone. I had a wonderful birthday weekend!  I have stretched it out as long as I possibly could. Now we are on to Jamie's birthday week!   His birthday is Wednesday so I better get busy!  Anyways back to our weekend. Harvest Festival was Friday and Saturday. Most of you know that my mom and dad sell her painted things there. Sophie Clare and I went and stayed as long as we possibly could on Friday.
Sophie Clare is checking our her Gann Gann's things.
We saw lots of cute little boys and girls.
I only got sweet Judd's picture!  He is just a doll!!

Saturday morning we got up and headed back to the Harvest Festival for just a little bit. Had a YUMMY birthday lunch at Mill Street. Then came home for Sophie Clare to get refreshed. We were going to my brother and sis's house. I was dying to see my sweet nieces. Chris grilled some burgers and made some wings. It was a low key but FUN night!!
The girls played so well together while we got to visit.
Playing with the electronics. haha

Sweet Gracie reading a book.

Times sure are different than when I was a child. haha

Thanks for a fabulous birthday guys!!
Thank you so much for my scarf and I can't wait to wear it this weekend!! :)

We headed home to an ultimate surprise!!
Jamie had decorated and made me a cake!
It was soooo super sweet!!

I think he is confused about my age, he knows I am just 29 and holding! haha
He did a great job on the cake. 

Sophie Clare was beyond excited to have a cake and candles to blow out!

A big thanks to everyone who made my birthday special!!

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