Thursday, December 3, 2015

Loosing Tooth #3

Well 2 weeks ago we lost another tooth. 
She was holding her mouth all funny and I warned her that if you don't get it..................

And that is exactly what happened.  I laid her down and got it. 
She did not even no it happened. 

You see that top tooth.......its loose and a goose on one side and still kicked over from when she hit it with the Nerf gun. 
So it looks like she is already missing a top tooth. She is not so sure about loosing that top tooth. She keeps telling me she will still be cute.  Yes baby you will be  little snagged tooth beauty! 

She said, I wonder how much the tooth fairy will bring me?? 
SC:  She might bring 100.00
me: She might not
SC: She might bring 3.00
Me: yea
SC: but she gave me 5.00 last time or she might give me some quarters. 

Apparently we need to work on money! haha 
She gave her 5.00 just last the past 2 ;-) 

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