It is thrifty treasure time at Rhoda's. I absolutely love seeing what everyone finds.
Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I love the colors, smell, and walking, hearing the crunch of the leaves. I usually do not do a whole lot of decorating but I do always add some pumpkins and mums if nothing else. Mom and I found this 1 Saturday. No matter what she was not going to leave it there, she wanted me to have it. We discussed where I might use it......We asked how much, it was only 50 cents!! A steal of a deal!

I amaze myself of how much time I spend on thinking if I need something or not. It does not matter how much it cost, I always can not decide. Maybe it is because the room that I use to pile all of that stuff in is now Sophie Clare's room. So most of the time, I feel as if it needs a home before I buy it. There was a set of the lamps for $5.00 and I did not need both of them. The lady was sweet enough to sell them separately. I plan to use it in Sophie Clare's new addition in her room. I have thought about spraying it pink.

I do the same!
happy thrifting
Great finds! I also hesitate to buy something unless I know what I'm going to do with it, or where I'm going to put it...even if it's dirt cheap! In fact, I posted about this very subject just last month...my indecisiveness over a cute ceramic rose lamp that was only $4.00.
Love the lamp! I would have gotten both and found a place for the other one. :) And I have almost the same scarecrow- he is a cutie. :)
I love fall too! You will be glad you have that little guy this fall.
It's real easy to get stuff all over the place if you don't think about what you bring home, regardless of the price. Sound advice right? Nope, I can't pass up a deal! Bring it home, and then decide to keep it or pass it on! I have donated lots of things that I didn't think I could live without at the time I bought it! LOL
Cute lamp and Mr. Scarecrow
Love the lamp!!
I love fall too. The scarecrow is cute!
Your little lamp will look so cute painted pink! I don't have your little problem- in fact, I have the opposite- I buy it all!! LOL Sue
I love fall too, and I love that scarecrow!
I know, I spend too much time thinking about whether I need something, or where I'll put it. Nowadays though, if it's cheap I just buy it!
Like that lamp. I do the same thing - do I or don't I. :-)
I think the lamp found a great home and would great pink!
Great finds. I’m the same way. I often carry something around the whole time store and end up putting it back. It’s crazy, just carrying it around somehow satisfies me. Ok that sounded a bit like I’m a shopaholic!
Great finds! I love the lamp!! I wish I were more like you, so does my sad little cluttered junk room, lol.
What a whimsical lamp! Perfect for a little girl's room:-)
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