Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Grandparents Came

Good Morning!!!
It is a beautiful morning!!
The birds are eating and singing.
The sun is shining bright and is warm!
What shall we do today??
WHO KNOWS.........all I do know, is that I am headed to Villa with Angie tonight!!
Yesterday we got up and got busy. Sophie Clare was going to have some very special vistiors.
Her granna, great granny and great mawmaw and pawpaw.
They had not seen her since February.
First we  had a visit from Braden and Aunt Janine then we had a visit from Gran and Emily!! 
It was just a day of vistitors.  

Emily and Gran did not stay very long. Just long enough for Emily to swing and slide.
I bought Emily a big girl swing but we do not have it up yet. Although she did not seem to mind the baby swing. lol

It took Sophie Clare a while to warm up but when she did she was all about her great mawmaw and pawpaw. Her and pawpaw were so cute. They just played.
Here she is giving him some love.
I hate that I did not get a picture of her granna.
Sophie Clare and granny.
Last night after church.  We had taken our baths and relaxing for a while. I decided I needed some ice cream. I   heard Sophie Clare moving her music table but did not realize that she was moving it stand on.
She is such a mess!!


Becca's Dirt said...

I bet she is into everything. She is so adorable. I never tire of looking at your photos of her and I bet you never tire of taking them either. Those are such special times and the photos tell the story. One day she will look back at these and they will make her smile. Becca

Angie said...

I know I'm so ready for Villa!!!! I can't think of anything but cheese sauce!!! HAHA! I love the pic of SC and her pawpaw! so sweet!!

hand painted by cheryl said...

I love this girl so much. Gran

hand painted by cheryl said...

I am so in love with this Sophie Clare.

Brittany said...

Maggie that picture of SC, and her great grandaddy brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me how much I miss my pawpaw! He was my world. She will cherish that photo one day :) Britt

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