Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I could not imagine how much I would LOVE this little girl!!
She just melts my heart more and more everyday!!  We were at my parents house the other night andI got some really cute pictures of Sophie Clare playing.
My grandmother LOVES when Sophie Clare will walk around with her hands on her hips. She doesn ot do it often but when she does, she is usually thinking.
She is about to do her high step.
She is running!!
For Sophie Clare to be so into babies, make-up, clothes, know, all that girly stuff.
Sitting in it, digging in it.........dirt, dirt dirt.
Look at this profile..........Is it not the most beautiful thing you have ever seen??
She is helping POP dig a hole.
I hope you enjoyed!!!


Sarah Robbins said...

She is getting so BIG! Just looking at the difference between the picture in your header and this one- wow! Thanks for the fun pictures.

Brianna said...

What kind of camera do you use to get such great pictures?

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