Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Total of 4

Hi fellow bloggers and readers.
It was windy and very cool today!!
Ok, 1st off..................I know that my sweet baby girl will be 17 months in just a few days.
When we went to Sophie Clare's 12 month check up, she was broke out and they did not want to give her shots. Well, I have put it off and put it off...........I know, I'm AWFUL!!!!
Today was the day, we went and poor baby had to get 4..........4 I tell you, that is WAY to many for my sweet baby. She got 2  in the arm and 1 in each leg. When the lady was getting it ready, it was like Sophie Clare knew what was coming. She was already holding on tight and crying!! I wanted to cry myself!!
When we finished we headed to Sonic and got a grape cream slush and that made it better. Then we had to run to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things and we bought a puzzle. We got home and she napped a while and then we visited my grandmother.  We got a surprise visit from Jennifer and her kiddos
Sophie Clare called it a night early, I think those shots got the best of her. She was fussy and sleep seem to be the only thing that was going to help!!

Angie had went to Sally's and bought this for her feet.  She said it was wonderful , so I had to get some. I will let you know how it worked tomorrow!!

What kind of camera do I use??
So sorry it has took a few days to get it on here!!
Here she is, I love this camera!!
Canon Rebel XSI

Look at this sweet baby about 1 year ago...........
Look where she is sleeping...........
I am so glad I did not pay big money for her bed.
It is sad the number of times she has slept in it.
Anyways, I do believe that I am getting ready to get her a big girl bed. I have tried a few times to lay her down in it and  she wakes right up. I don't know what it is but that girl is not sleeping in a baby bed!!!

Have a great hump day!!!

1 comment:

Tracy Bentley said...

I have the same camera and I love it.

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