Wednesday, May 12, 2010

17 Months

Sophie Clare was 17 months on April 29th.
Why do they have to grow so quickly?
If I could only make time stand still..........
. I am so thankful that I do not have to leave her everyday and I get to spend this precious time with her.

What is she up to??
Let's talk teeth......we have had 4 on top and 2 on bottom forever.  We have been thinking that is has been teething forever but nothing. I just kept wondering, how much longer would it be. Finally, Monday was the day!!!  We were playing dentist and I was checking her teeth and she has 2 back molars coming in. They are not all the way through yet but you can feel out sharp they are.
As for eating, she is a little on the picky side. She will not just eat anything.  She loves fruit and I am beginning to think she is going to turn into one. Usually in the mornings she has a banana and milk. Lunch......Sophie Clare would say "What is that??"  She does love cheese  and Vienna Sausage. I know, GROSS but they are soft and  she will not get choked.  Pintos, fried potatoes, grilled chicken, chicken salad, french fries are just a few of the things that she will eat. Just this week, she has tried a soft taco from Taco Bell and LOVED it.  She also tried rice and ate a ton of it!!  We are learning to eat with a fork and spoon and she does so good with it.

She is still not talking really. Just a whole lot of grunts and d sounds but I know what all of that means.
She says Hi and Hey to everyone. Waves as the cars go by. Momma, dada, di for bye.
She can kind of say dog and will bark if they do. It is so cute!!
She just learned out to be a monkey and can not get enough of the animal books. I can ask her to show me a cat, chicken, dog, monkey and lizard and she will. When we see a fish, she always makes her fish face.
Give me five, high five, a squeeze, kiss, hug, love, nose kiss............she is all about it.
Sophie Clare knows where her eyes, ears, hair and nose, feet, and hands are. She will show you her teeth but not her tongue.
Television, she does not care anything about.
She is 21 lbs and about 37inches tall. She is wearing 12-18 months and her legs are getting so long.  Her hair is growing so much. When it is wet it is past her shoulders but as soon as the water is not weighting it down,  it is super curly!
Sleep, Sleep Sleep.............
We are still sleeping together but she sleeps great. She goes to bed around 9 or 9:30 and wakes up between 8 and 9. Most days now, she is only taking 1 long nap a day which is nice. I am not holding her through her whole nap anymore. just half  of it.
As I have said 1000 times, she loves outside and loves water, dirt, grass, and rocks. I think she will be a master gardener one day.
Let's Play........
She enjoys playing with her babies, cooking and looking at books. We build with blocks ot I do and she will knock them down. She will stack very few.  Play-Doh, the counting pig, ring stacker are just a few of the things she will play with. She loves a screw driver and hammer. She also enjoys playing in any car.  Peek-a-boo........Where is Sophie Clare?? She will hide under a blanket forever.  Swinging is another favorite and will say weeee. She is so cute!!
Pictures are so hard to get these days, she is always looking down.  It does not matter what kind of sound I make or how loud I am, she to just to busy for the camera. I just pray she never hides her face!!!
Bath time is still fun time. She loves filling her cup up and dumping it on me or drinking it. She loves to splash the water with her hands and feet. She does not love getting her hair rinsed but she is a good sport about it. I just hope she loves the pool as much as bath time!!!
She just puts a smile on my face!!!


Becca's Dirt said...

Ya know you are fortunate that in this day and time there are so many mediums that you can keep up with Maggie Elizabeth's changes. When my babies were small all I had were baby books and they got lost. I would write down things I wanted to remember and take photos but TODAY. Your Maggie Elizabeth will be able to look back at mom's blog and read all about herself. She is so pretty.

Jamie said...

You left out her love for my lawn mower.

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