Thursday, June 3, 2010

Matia Grace's Birthday

It is so odd to me how we go from having nothing to being busy 24/7.  Saturday we headed to Matia Grace's 2nd birthday! Like I have mentioned before.............Andrea and I have been friends our WHOLE life and I am so thankful that our children are CLOSE in AGE!!
Here is sweet Max!!
 He so just went with the flow!
 Max is just so cute!!
I could eat him with a spoon!!
Matia Grace was all about blowing out her candles and dipping her fingers in her cake!!
It's her party.........why not!!
She lots and lots of goodies!!
Andrea is sweet enough to let Sophie Clare just do whatever she wants. Sophie Clare always wants to get in Max's carseat or his little seat!
She could not wait for Max to get out so that she could get in!
The whole family!!
I love you guys!!
Happy 2nd Birthday !!

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