Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Madisyn

Last week, my cousin Nick and his family were in town!  They live in SC and do not get to come home a lot!  Madisyn even got to join me in Cubbies and Sunday School which was a lot of fun!!
 Madisyn's birthday is October the 4th so they had her a birthday party!! She is all about Tangled and I see why! Sophie Clare and I watched the movie yesterday and it is soooo cute!!
Sweet Owen had grown so much since we last saw him. He was just a baby and now he is walking everywhere. They came to the house to play for a bit and he went right to Jamie! He loves men and he is just a doll baby!!
Enjoy the pictures from the birthday party!!
Owen enjoying the bouncy!!
My aunt Rita wanted to get a picture of all 3 of her grands.......it was not that easy! haha

Madisyn is such a sweet girl and has the best personality!!

Sweet Farrah Jaye!!

Braden and Sophie Clare
They both were not feeling the best!!
I hope they both feel better soon!

Sweet Carver at his first birthday party!!

Nick and Owen

Madisyn could not wait to open presents and she got lots of great stuff!!

The girls enjoying the birthday toys!!

We had a great day with family and we look forward to seeing them in November!!

1 comment:

Betty said...

I just love reading your blog; it is is always so positive and refreshing! The party was a lot of fun. All of the kids are so precious! Take care.

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