Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Where Is The Hot Weather??

I am not loving this weather at all! I am ready for dresses, sleeveless, bathing suits (for Sophie Clare) not me!  I have wore my rain boots way to much this year and I am still running my logs in the mornings.  We have not been up to anything much really. We have been hanging at home just waiting on the sunshine. 

On another note, where did my big camera go?? 
On a shelf, this phone is just so easy to carry and take pics with.  

My parents bought this scooter a while back. None of the kiddos could ride until now. 
Emily has learn to balance and ride it! 
She loves it sooo much! 

Friday the girls were up and even though the weather was not fabulous, we made the most of it. 
They wanted to build a fire and roast wienies and marshmallows. 

Love this sweet girl and taught her to say mama very early. One of the first words. It was the sweetest sound but now days,  if I am not right with her she says 
Oh if she says it once she says it 1000000000000 times.  I try to keep in mind that she will not always want me to "come here" haha 

Sophie Clare is all about playing Shepherd these days. We have to have a Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, a donkey and a sheep. She loves to act it out like a play. So cute and such adorable  little Shepherd's. 

Emily posing in one of my dresses! 

These girls mean so much to me and I love them to death! They love to fix my hair and they are so rough. It does not help that I am a little (lot) tender headed. 

Saturday, my sis and brother invited us down and we had sooo much fun! We did not so anything fabulous but hang out! Chris cook the most delish steak ever and the girls played. Sophie Clare really enjoyed spending time with them! 

Sophie Clare is getting in to Mother's day this year and it is sooo sweet. I asked her yesterday did she know what Mother's day was?? She wrapped those sweet arms around me and said  I LOVE YOU!! That makes all the MAMA COME HERE worth it! ;-) 

Emily and I had made a stepping stone at her house on Saturday and I had told Sophie Clare I wanted one for Mother's day. She could not get it off her mind. So yesterday in the pouring rain, we went and got it. We had the best time making it. 

I hope you all have a great week! 

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