Friday, June 4, 2010

Clothing Dividers

I will start by saying that I know that I have  a problem.............that is the first step right??
What is my problem??
I love to buy Sophie Clare clothes!! It is just so much fun!!
Hey, she is only little once and it will not be long before she will want to pick out her clothes.
Oh I dread that!! hehe
Anyways..............Her closet is full and because we have so many sizes, I had to do something to organize it. I found the cutest clothing dividers but they were a little on the exspensive side. Especially when I needed 2 sets. ($50.00) That was just to much!!
So, I decided to make some. I headed to the GREAT and WONDERFUL Hobby Lobby.
I about some O's for .99 cents a piece.
I painted them pink and added the dots. I just wrote the size on there with a marker.
I thought they turned out really cute!!
I added them to her closet and BAM......organized!!!

Let me know what you think??

1 comment:

Hayley said...

What a smart idea!! And, they turned out really cute! I love it when I can be organized AND still be cute :)

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